Digital Audio for Greater Clarity and Detail
Gov Recorder 10 digitally records to the computer disk drive using industry-standard MP3 or WAV audio files. VoiceBoost digital signal processing enhances the sound to ensure maximum clarity and intelligibility.

Faster Minutes Production
Taking minutes is painless, accurate, and efficient with SoniClear. SoniClear captures the meeting as an audio or video recording, while providing simple note taking features so you can highlight all of the meeting events as they occur.
Play recordings using the optional Transcriber 10 software. This provides synchronized playback with the meeting notes. Transcriber 10 also integrates with the SoniClear Cloud voice-to-text transcription service.

File Backup and Archiving
The LAN Archive feature makes recordings available on the internal network for review using the included SoniClear Player software.
Recording files can be copied to CD or flash drives for sharing with staff, elected officials, and the public.
Webcast Archive feature give the option to make recordings available for on-demand streaming.