Switch to SoniClear Digital Recording

Replace your handheld recorder with digital recording on your computer.

Governmental Organizations


Gov Recorder 10

Gov Recorder 10 is designed for governmental organizations that must record meetings and prepare meeting minutes. Gov Recorder 10 helps clerks and administrators get more done with less effort, while improving support for the organization and meeting participants. Learn more


Courts and Court Reporters


Court Recorder 10

Court Recorder 10 captures recordings on any Windows computer for clear digital sound. Replace handheld recorders with state-of-the-art digital recording for accurate details, fast readbacks, and easier transcription. Learn more


Board Secretaries and Clerks


Meeting Recorder 10

Meeting Recorder 10 makes it easy to record meetings in government, business, and education. Designed for a clerk or board secretary who needs to retain all the details of a meeting to produce minutes and review action items. Learn more


Interviews and Hearings


Interview Recorder 10

Interview Recorder 10 is designed to efficiently
record hearings, police interviews, and research interviews, any time there is a need to document important conversations. Interview recorder can be used by a single individual or deployed to an entire organization. Learn more


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Software Product Comparison

General features for all SoniClear software products


Download a detailed comparison of SoniClear software products view the SoniClear Feature Comparison Chart:

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Call SoniClear at 626.584.9706 to speak to a product consultant, or use the SoniClear Contact Form.

Easy to Use


Everything you need to Record, Transcribe, and Share

Software runs on any Windows Computer.
Looks like a tape recorder on the screen.
Digitally records to a file on the computer.
Plays like a transcription machine.
Shares recordings on CD, Network and Internet.